Here are the first twelve pages of The Little Witch
Bio and Synopsis are on the About Page
Chapter 1. The Little Witch and the White Rose
Once upon a time not so long ago there was a little witch.
And when I say Little I mean really little. Like about one and a half inches tall. With her hat on. Which was one of those traditional looking pointy black hats witches wear that makes them taller. Without her hat on she stood about 1 inch tall or approximately 3 centimeters. This little witch was not traditional in most things, but she liked dressing in black. She didn’t know why, she just did. She felt dressing in black made her slinky. She liked that. And she liked that word to describe it, slinky. The little witch loved unusual words, like slinky.
You could normally see the little witch with her main accessory, her broom. Which was actually not an accessory, it was like an extension of herself… like a very handy tool. But more of that later.
So as far as her physical size was concerned, it’s clear she was little. But in terms of her spirit… Holy cow! That’s where she shown verrrry brightly. That’s where she excelled. That’s where she had panache. She had a spirit that you better watch out for because if she’s your friend she’ll be there for you through thick and thin. You can count on her. But if you make her into an enemy… ooo- I wouldn’t wanna be you. In general it’s not a good idea to make people who know spells into enemies.
As far as her dress went she dressed pretty much in line with the traditional witch image. Which is black pointy hat, black ankle length gown, with long sleeves. She added white cuffs. The white cuffs were an exception and there was one more exception to the traditional witch look. The Little Witch wore a white rose.
There were two reasons why the little witch wore a white rose. And of course the white rose she wore had to have the correct shrinking spell cast over it, otherwise it would be way too big for her to wear. But she did that easily, it was never any problem to cast a shrinking spell over the white rose and then it was the perfect size for her to wear on her breast pocket.
The first reason why the little witch Wore a white rose on her breast pocket was it was a way of dressing that did not conform to the traditional witch ways. Our little which was a nonconformist. The white rose was a small but noticeable declaration of that.
The second reason why the little witch wore a white rose, was that it indicated she had something called panache. That was another word she loved. She heard it the first time quite by accident while sitting on the flower one early evening right outside the window of the house where her garden was. There was a mom and her two sons who lived in that house, regular humans, and the mom was reading a story to her older son.
She remembered the story was about a famous swordsman and poet called Cyrano de Bergerac. This character Cyrano de Bergerac caught her attention as she listened, quite by accident, to the story. She really liked him. He was not only a bit of a rebel like her, he was great poet, and a great swordsman who was fierce and fearless in battle. She really liked that.
In the story the fierce and fearless Cyrano wore a white scarf. The white scarf made him more visible to his possible enemies, and wearing it was dangerous. But he liked the look, and didn’t care about the danger. So the white scarf became a symbol for his bravery and style. The word “panache” was used in the story to describe this way of being stylishly fearless and so the little witch adopted the white rose for herself as a way of declaring to the world,
“I’ve got panache.”
Chapter 2. Home is Where the Flower Is
The little witch loved the house that she lived in. It was right in the middle of a big lush garden in the backyard of a human house on the edge of a middle sized city. It wasn’t actually a house by normal standards. It was a flower. The little witch lived in a flower.
The flower she lived in was about 5 inches across when it was open. It was a special flower and perfect for the little witch because it was the kind of flower that would open when the sun shined on it’s petals in the morning, and it would close again in the evening when the sun went down.
It was bright red on the outside and on the inside it was bright yellow. And it had something like a black branch right in the middle that she used for a clothes rack. The only problem was when she hung her clothes on that they tended to gather pollen from the flower. The pollen didn’t bother her but she had to shake her clothes out sometimes. If you are interested in the anatomy of a flower that little clothes rack is called the Pistil which is part of the stamen.
The little witch loved her flower-home. She thought it was a miracle that it opened each morning and closed at night without any spells involved.
“It’s just how nature works,” she thought to herself. “Amazing.”
Chapter 3.Cats, Dogs, and Invisibility
The flower that the little witch lived in was right in the middle of a rather large, lush garden in the backyard of a one story house situated on the edge of town.